Developmental Screening

Do you have questions or worries about your child’s development?

  • Does your child have difficulty keeping up with other children their age?
  • Does your child have difficulty communicating with people outside the family?
  • Does your child have a medical disorder or birth defect that interferes with their development?
  • Is your child’s learning impacted when they are experiencing social-emotional difficulties?

Any child ages three to five whose family or caregivers would like more information about their child’s development can contact their local district to receive a free developmental screening. Click here to see our screening flyer.
What happens during a screening?
The purpose of a screening is to identify issues that may affect your child’s learning, growth, and development and to help parents identify their child’s strengths and weaknesses. Children are screened in the areas of communication, motor, social behavior, self-help, and readiness skills.
During the screening, your child may stack small blocks, cut with scissors, draw, count, name colors, jump, and have fun!
After the screening, someone will talk to you about the results and you may be given suggestions, a referral for more testing, or scheduled to have skills rechecked later. You will have the chance to ask any questions about your child’s development. The whole process takes about 60 minutes.
How do I schedule a screening?
If your child is between the ages of 3 and 5, please contact:
Battle Ground Public Schools
Special Services Department
(360) 885-5318
If your child is between the ages of birth and 2, please contact:
Educational Service District 112
(360) 750-7500
Battle Ground Public Schools will screen any child who resides within the boundaries of the school district; this includes children enrolled in private school, as well as children who are homeless.


icon 11104 N.E. 149th Street,
Brush Prairie, WA 98606

iconP.O. Box 200
Battle Ground, WA 98604

