K-12 Learning Standards

Battle Ground Public Schools follows the Washington State Learning Standards for all grade levels and subjects. The learning standards are developed through collaborative, public processes led by curriculum associations across the state and nation. The Washington State Learning Standards incorporate the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and mathematics.
The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) outlines four learning goals that provide the foundation for the development of all academic learning standards in Washington state. They are:

  • Read with comprehension, write effectively, and communicate successfully in a variety of ways and settings and with a variety of audiences;
  • Know and apply the core concepts and principles of mathematics; social, physical, and life sciences; civics and history, including different cultures and participation in representative government; geography; arts; and health and fitness;
  • Think analytically, logically, and creatively, and to integrate technology literacy and fluency as well as different experiences and knowledge to form reasoned judgments and solve problems; and
  • Understand the importance of work and finance and how performance, effort, and decisions directly affect future career and educational opportunities.

K-12 Learning Standards by Subject Area

Click the links below to view the learning standards on the OSPI website.

 Content Area   OSPI Adoption
 The Arts    Spring 2011
 English Language Arts  Summer 2011
 English Language Proficiency
 Early Learning (Birth through 3rd grade)
 Mathematics  Summer 2011
 Science  October 2013
 Social Studies  Spring 2008
 Educational Technology  Fall 2008
 Health and Fitness*  Summer 2016
 Integrated Environment and Sustainability    Fall 2009
 World Languages  Summer 2010

*In recognition that the maturity level of some students at these grade levels may not be sufficient to process the information contained within these standards:
Battle Ground School District will not teach the following standards:
Health Education Core Idea: Sexual Health
Topic 1: Anatomy and Physiology for grades K-4
Topic 5: Self-Identity for grades K-4
(Refer to OSPI for specific standards: H1.Se1.K, H1.Se1.1, H1.Se1.2, H1.Se1.3 , H1.Se1.4 , H1.Se5.K, H1.Se5.1, H1.Se5.2a-b, H1.Se5.3a-b, H2.Se5.4, H4.Se5.4 and H1.Se5.4 )
Battle Ground Schools will minimally teach the following standards:
Health Education Core Idea: Sexual Health
Topic 3: Self-Identity for grade 6
Topic 6: Washington State Laws for grade 6
( Refer to OSPI for these specific standards: H2.Se.3.6, H1.Se6.6a, H1.Se6.6b and H1.Se6.6c )


K-8 Parent Guide & Online Learning

State Learning Standards and Testing Summary (Click image)

Your Child’s Progress
(Click image)

New Learning Standards: What Parents Should Know
What skills do students need to succeed? Get the facts on how the standards were developed and answers to frequently asked questions.

BGPS Standards Based Reporting
Learn about the new K-4 Report Card and standards based grading. I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Read an overview of student assessments including Smarter Balanced Assessments.

Contact Us
Assessment Dept.
(360) 885-5391


icon 11104 N.E. 149th Street,
Brush Prairie, WA 98606

iconP.O. Box 200
Battle Ground, WA 98604

